Look, I believe that racism is wrong. Attacking the color of any person's skin is not only wrong but shows a great ignorance. Look I am a real person. Until I got pregnant, I smoked cigarettes. I don't smoke right now, but after I have my daughter I just might. I am a meat eating nut. Give me a steak and a potato and I devour it. I wear leather shoes and own several real leather purses. As soon as I can find the best one, I am going to buy a real fur coat. I use aerosol hair spray and never use public transportation. It is a rabbit or something that keeps eating my flowers and he will meet his maker. I refuse to live my live fiber deficient. What is the problem? Why must everything be such a federal case. When are people going to just relax and live?
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
Bottom line: if people would live respectable lives and be nice to everyone there would be no politics in anything.
I personally feel that the smokers are being persecuted but I dont want to smell smoke. Period. My lungs are bad enough.
And these people who talk on the cell phones while driving (not to mention while in lines, on the trains, at the movies, at church and a thousand assorted places where they are not really called for), this is beyond rude it is DANGEROUS.
They need to be locked up, period.
You should see the wrecks that happen daily at the intersection several blocks near my home. And most of them involve cell phone people....
Why do people have to do these things? And this includes insult people of other races, cultures, religions, and orientations than them....
Parents have failed. This is all stuff that should have been learned at home.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
Cause your happiness costs! (like depriving fresh air for me) Don't be selfish.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
That's the problem, too many people just don't care about anyone but themselves. You've proved that.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
WOW I couldn't agree more!
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
Well, i'm vegetarian.
I don't attack people for eating meat.
But I don't "relax and live"
because I can't.
We live in a messed up world where people abuse the animals and put strange things in the animals bodies in which WE are going to eat so It could very much mess US up, and the entire animals life was a living hell.
Animals have feelings, they FEEL when they get burnt.
Think of our ozone layer as our Raincoat
where the UV RAYS(deadly hello)
are the rain.
so you will obviosuly get burnt.
About you're comment on aeresol.
You're still contributing to air pollution, I don't care if you're hair looks like crap!
Their is SAFE hairsprays
Now thats selfish.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
We're bored.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
why not eat the fur meat. Like chinchilla burgers or mink steaks. Why throw out the meat...such a waste.
Aresol does polute the air, use a pump sprayer instead. Works just as well.
Don't smoke ciggies, smoke dope...no cancer for you or me.
Public transit is cheaper AND no smog days. Imagine that!!!!
Its because we were so relaxed all this sh*t happened. Now its time to be responsible. You are about to be a parent. Can I blow smoke in your kids face, have sex infront of her, get drunk and drive by her school?
Get on with it. Yes some of it goes too far but be considerate of others.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
The problem is that 2 generations of Americans have been indoctrinated into a PC and globalist mindset.There are very few people left that want freedom from government intrusion into private lives.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
I agree.
Political correctness was born out of guilt and a misunderstanding of freedom. The first amendment gives us the right to Free-speech, and it does protect us from people Yelling "fire" in a theatre or inciting a riot,things that get people hurt. but too many 'bleeding hearts' expanded it to include hurt feelings, so now we have Hyphenated-americans, _____Abled, and _____ challenged.
Smokers have rights, as smoking is still legal, if the Govt. cared about all the dead people from first and second hand smoke tobacco would have been outlawed, not just removed from NASCAR, and movie heroes' lips. They have the right to smoke, I have the right not to socialize with them or go where they smoke.
If we weren't supposed to eat animals they would not be made of meat. The human race is a carnivorous race, we kill and eat things, its what we do. when we kill them it only makes sense that we use as much of them as possible(Leather and Furs etc.) I have no problem with farmed animals seeing as they would not exist if they had not been bred for the farm. I do believe in Conservation in the wild, and am anti-poaching.
Hair spray hasn't killed Ozone in decades, and funny(since the Farce of Global Warming, we don't hear much about the ozone hole which was supposed to have tripled or so they said when i was in school)
Public Transportaion is a an option, it it makes sense for some people, but it is not the end all be all, and should not be required, its basic math if gas and parking are cheap enough in your area, own a car, but if the costs of ownership are prohibitive PubTran is a good alternative.
as to your "Kill the wabbit!" cry, take a deep breathe and try peppering your garden, or fencing it off, unless rabbit stew is also on the menu.
Too many people confuse "Freedom of" with "Freedom from"
Just remember, The earth is bigger than us, it will win because it can always start over after we're gone.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
I am just as concerned about the treatment of non-humans as many other animal rightists. I'm just as concerned about the environment as many other environmentalists. And I'm just as concerned with how humans are treated as many other human rightists. Someone said something about not being able to relax because of the condition of the world. I feel the same. But, rather than debating any of these issues, this is what I'm going to say:
Our focus is on all the wrong things. Why are people harassing meat eaters when we should be focusing on the factory farms? Why are people harassing those who wear fur when we should be focusing on the furriers? Why are people complaining about smokers when we should be focusing on the automobile industry, big oil, pollutant spewing factories, etc...? Why are people still arguing over which race(s) faces the most discrimination when we should be concerning ourselves with putting an end to it? Why are people still arguing about whether or not people are born gay when we should be focusing on the fight for equal treatment regardless of sexuality? The list goes on...
By misdirecting our focus, we are achieving nothing.
Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?
you must do what you feel in your heart is the right thing to do. you have the free will to do whatever you want to as long as it does NOT conflict with another persons free will or violate the laws, rules and mores of the culture and society in which you live.
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