Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Girls only please...?

How much to you spend on hair care in the run of a colouring, cuts, extensions...etc

Not products like shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, moose...etc.

Girls only please...?

Wowzers! I never realized how expensive it was. Cuts-$140, Color + chunking = $150...Geeez almost $200 a year! That's crazy what it takes to stay looking young and hip!..haha

Girls only please...?

MAYBE $60.00

Girls only please...?

about $200.00

Girls only please...?

Not much. Probably around $75.

Girls only please...?

In a year, I'd say probably $100-$150, cause i dye and cut it alot, But thats just me. I also get is styled for imprtant things like weddings.

Girls only please...?

For things like haircuts, and colorings, 0$ since i get my cusins to cut my hair 4 me, and i dont die my hair

Girls only please...?

$ 2000

Girls only please...?

$1,100 I know it's a little excessive, but i did get hair extensions this year. Next year hopefully only $200.00 or less!!

Girls only please...?

Probably 1,500.00

Girls only please...?

None as I dont have any hair. Sorry just had to answer, and YES I am a GIRL.

Girls only please...?

I get my hair cut about once every 6 weeks, or about every 2 months and it costs me $20 each time. About $120. Man i didn't even realize that! but i don't color or do anything else with my hair. do you also want to know about ponytails and brushes? i get a cheap new brush every once in a while and some poytail holders becuase i lose them, but nothing else.

Girls only please...?

around 300 coz if you go to the hair salon and buy hair products thats probally you cost and women are obssesed with what ever hairstyle is popular

Girls only please...?

$50; I haven't dyed my hair since last summer and my hair turned brown naturally so i dont need to. I pay $25 for hair cuts and I usually get a haircut twice a year

Girls only please...?

probably $60....i get it cut about twice a year. i wish i got it cut more though, it grows out too much. blech.

Girls only please...?


Girls only please...?

I have to straighten my hair because i have MASSIVE waves on my hair! so i get the magic perm (sounds crappy, but REALLY good) and that costs $150.00, some times $220.00. so $150 to $320.

Girls only please...?

i dont colour my h air or whatever but i relax my hair every three - four months and it cost about 30$CAN plus 60-80$ for weave adn cornrolls. that's a lot of money if you ask me at the end of the year lol :P what are you trying to make a budget for your hair or soemthing?

Girls only please...?

nothing because the only thing i do to my hair is wash it and press it

Girls only please...?

I don't color or get extensions on my hair.

I only get it cut about once a year, too.

What can I say?

I love my hair.

Besides, when girls as young as me, (thirteen) get their hair colored, it looks so wrong and unnatural. They just put huge chunks of lines on the top of their head. BIG mistake.

I have natural brown, blonde, red, and black highlights.

And I would never get extensions.

That's just weird!

Girls only please...?


Girls only please...?

maybe 100.00 if that, I am a small town girl

Girls only please...?

Nothing. My hair is naturally just like in my avatar. All I do is wash it and let it dry. It comes out pretty. It makes up for my ugly nose and amazon height.

Girls only please...?

about $45... I get my hair trimmed about once every 4 months, $15 each time

Girls only please...?

Around $600 or so. Cuts every 4 -6 weeks %26amp; highlights 2- 3 times a year.

Girls only please...?

Me personally I spend about a good 2,000$ a year cause of the need of getting it cut and cut and colored.

Girls only please...?

around $300

Girls only please...?

like about $80.00 dollars

Girls only please...?

my hair is natural nad i have NEVER dyed it soi probaly cant help you

i don know people who get their hair done every 3 months and its like $60- 100 every time. or maybe more b/c she knows the person, i do get my haircut but nothin like your alking abot, sorry

Girls only please...?

I color my hair at home, and I buy the kits when they are on sale, even if I've just dyed my hair that week.

That way I have plenty on hand when it's time to touch up my roots.

I usually get my haircuts at discount places like SuperCuts, but once in a while I will go to a proper salon and get a new cut and style. I tend to look around and find a salon that has an apprentice, or stylist-in-training, who is being supervised by the owner. The charge is usually less than if you go to a regular, "certified" stylist, but becuase the owner is right there, there is little that can go wrong.

So with that in mind, I'd have to say I spend a maximum of $110 a year.

Girls only please...?

After regular trims, scalp massages, hi-lites, deep conditioning treatments I'd say, gulp, over $1,000. Thanks for making me calculate this! LOL.

Girls only please...?

i get y hair cut every 3 months. so cuts - 80 dollars. dyeing my hair - I love L'Oreal Couleur Experte and its great. around AUS $25 every 6 months. I get my sister to put the highlights in for me. And in response to something a previous person said -- if I had natural blonde brown and red highlights i wouldnt dye my hair either.

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