Thursday, July 30, 2009

Horrible Roommate!?

I have two roommates; one is very quiet and minds her own business, while the other is loud and obnoxious.

Recently, the loud one has begun to use my stuff without my permisssion (my hair dryer, my hair spray, my make-up) and is eating my food without permission. Now if she asked I wouldn't care, but this whole sneaking behind my back has me pissed.

Besides confronting her directly and moving out, what other things can I do to keep her out of my stuff but still live comfortably?

Horrible Roommate!?

I think confronting is the best thing to do, but another option is putting your name of everything. For example, when you put your food in the refrigerator, put a label on it with your name. That claims territory.

About the make up and hair dryer, etc. Once you are done using it, put it away so that your room mate gets the picture and eventually will stop. You can also put it in a suitcase or something where your room mate would dare not to go. (We all have our personal spaces)

Horrible Roommate!?

Get a lock for your room and keep your things in your room. As for the food, just tell her that your not selfish, you just find it very rude of her to take it w/out asking. Teach her propper manners. Maybe her Momma didn't teach her.

Horrible Roommate!?

Using someone else's make up is skank.

Not that I'm saying you do; but cosmetics and brushes/sponges can transmit diseases (i.e. herpes, pink eye, imper-tigo etc)

Horrible Roommate!?

try locking your bedroom door,as for the food have a sit down (meeting) tell the other roommates, perhaps we need to set boundaries. If others want to eat my food then yo9u must give me money. if this is not feasible, try a in room fridge. tell roommates its so you can stay in bed and eat..

Horrible Roommate!?

Maybe put locks on things with your stuff in it?

A small personal refrigerator w/ a locking top?

Tell her you don't appreciate it.

The room mate thing never really lasts.

And this too shall pass.

Horrible Roommate!?

Well you can keep your stuff locked away for one thing. As far as the food thing goes you are going to have to say something to her, unless you want to continuously come home to missing and half eaten food. You might try getting new things for yourself and giving her your old stuff (like hair dryer) but keep your consumables (like makeup and hairspray) locked up. It's sad you have to live this way but she'll keep on doing it until you make her stop. If you want her to ask just tell her that you don't mind sharing but she should ask you first. You could also try getting stuff she does not like and won't use.

Throw the makeup out and get yourself some new stuff.

Horrible Roommate!?

You've got to learn to stand up for your self. When you don't like something, speak up. When people live together there are going to be issues. Moving out at this stage of the game is a little much.

1) First of all calm down.

2) Try and work this issue out with your room mate amicably. Be kind yet firm. Let her know what is and is not acceptable. Believe it or not - she may not even know she's pissing you off! People are raised differently and think differently. Unless you speak up, they don't know. Also - don't be surprized if you find out that you are doing something that makes her angry!

3) If it comes to it, start locking your stuff up.

4) Only move out or kick her out if she does not respect your wishes after repeated discussions.

If you don't stand up for your rights, who will? If all you do is just run away - someone else will come along and start messing with you too. Then you'll be right back at square 1. Use this as a learning experience. Whats the worst that can happen? An argument? And if it happens - so what? It will help you to be stronger. The sun will still come up tomorrow either way.

Horrible Roommate!?

you can bring these issues up with your roommate without being confrontational. Say something like "hey Suzie, I don't mind sharing my food or my hair dryer, but I prefer that people ask first." Or, perhaps, lead by example, "Is it ok if I borrow your ___?" Don't act angry or mean, just make your preference clear.

Horrible Roommate!?

the only way to fix the problem is to confront her.

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