Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

start a tv station for cats....moving pictures of birds and noises.

throw a party and have weird al and band as the music.

pay john travo;ta to never put on a wig and makeup again.

(he really scares me in hair spray)

have fun with this.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Take a ride in a russian space craft.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Buy a white tiger for my Son.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

i would buy all the fish aquriums or have a whole room where the walls are nothing but fish aquriums.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

i would throw a huge pool party. the pool would be full of jello and i would serve jello shooters. i'm thinking strawberry or watermelon.......

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Well first, I'd buy the normal stuff. Big house in West Hollywood, cars, all the essential things needed in life.

Then there's the weird stuff I'd do with it. I'd buy a big supply of cheese. Then I'd use some of the money to rent out Les Deux, the club, and let nobody in so I can have the whole club to myself to eat chocolate pudding in.

Or I'd buy out Disney and fire the people from Hannah Montana, the people from HSM, Jonas Brothers, and anyone else I can think of. Then I'd replace the shows with documentaries on the life of hobos.

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

okay i have a creame colored purse...its made out of PLEATHER!!...i had a pen in my hand and when i went to get up it marked on my purse...i have already tried hand spray (pink lotion oil sheen), vaseline (lmao)...but its not working and its making me sad!! can you help me PLEASE!!! ='(

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

girl, just get a new purse. it's pleather.

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

Try a Magic Eraser.

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

Bleach on a q-tip? Scissors? You could actually use it to your advantage and wind up with a really cool purse. Why not draw on the whole thing? Lots of little pen sketches and stuff. Then spray it with something protectant that would be safe for fabrics and such but keep the pen from smearing. That would be really unique and totally you.

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

Dawn power disolver. It is made by the makers of Dawn dish

detergent. You put in on the stain %26amp; let it set for 15 mns and then

wipe it off. I have a white purse that I also got ink on. It isn't leather but it isn't plastic either. It works well on many things %26amp; is

good to have in the house. Good luck.

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

that tideto go stuff should work!

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

Have u tried Hairspray?

Hairspray works on pen marks on purses!

I saw it on

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?

tide 2 go pen

Purse stain...anyone kno how to get it out?! PLEASE HELP!!?




This will be a lot of help.

U can also ask them all about cleaning tips!

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

Look, I believe that racism is wrong. Attacking the color of any person's skin is not only wrong but shows a great ignorance. Look I am a real person. Until I got pregnant, I smoked cigarettes. I don't smoke right now, but after I have my daughter I just might. I am a meat eating nut. Give me a steak and a potato and I devour it. I wear leather shoes and own several real leather purses. As soon as I can find the best one, I am going to buy a real fur coat. I use aerosol hair spray and never use public transportation. It is a rabbit or something that keeps eating my flowers and he will meet his maker. I refuse to live my live fiber deficient. What is the problem? Why must everything be such a federal case. When are people going to just relax and live?

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

Bottom line: if people would live respectable lives and be nice to everyone there would be no politics in anything.

I personally feel that the smokers are being persecuted but I dont want to smell smoke. Period. My lungs are bad enough.

And these people who talk on the cell phones while driving (not to mention while in lines, on the trains, at the movies, at church and a thousand assorted places where they are not really called for), this is beyond rude it is DANGEROUS.

They need to be locked up, period.

You should see the wrecks that happen daily at the intersection several blocks near my home. And most of them involve cell phone people....

Why do people have to do these things? And this includes insult people of other races, cultures, religions, and orientations than them....

Parents have failed. This is all stuff that should have been learned at home.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

Cause your happiness costs! (like depriving fresh air for me) Don't be selfish.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

That's the problem, too many people just don't care about anyone but themselves. You've proved that.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

WOW I couldn't agree more!

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

Well, i'm vegetarian.

I don't attack people for eating meat.

But I don't "relax and live"

because I can't.

We live in a messed up world where people abuse the animals and put strange things in the animals bodies in which WE are going to eat so It could very much mess US up, and the entire animals life was a living hell.

Animals have feelings, they FEEL when they get burnt.


Think of our ozone layer as our Raincoat

where the UV RAYS(deadly hello)

are the rain.



so you will obviosuly get burnt.

About you're comment on aeresol.

You're still contributing to air pollution, I don't care if you're hair looks like crap!

Their is SAFE hairsprays

Now thats selfish.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

We're bored.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

why not eat the fur meat. Like chinchilla burgers or mink steaks. Why throw out the meat...such a waste.

Aresol does polute the air, use a pump sprayer instead. Works just as well.

Don't smoke ciggies, smoke cancer for you or me.

Public transit is cheaper AND no smog days. Imagine that!!!!

Its because we were so relaxed all this sh*t happened. Now its time to be responsible. You are about to be a parent. Can I blow smoke in your kids face, have sex infront of her, get drunk and drive by her school?

Get on with it. Yes some of it goes too far but be considerate of others.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

The problem is that 2 generations of Americans have been indoctrinated into a PC and globalist mindset.There are very few people left that want freedom from government intrusion into private lives.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

I agree.

Political correctness was born out of guilt and a misunderstanding of freedom. The first amendment gives us the right to Free-speech, and it does protect us from people Yelling "fire" in a theatre or inciting a riot,things that get people hurt. but too many 'bleeding hearts' expanded it to include hurt feelings, so now we have Hyphenated-americans, _____Abled, and _____ challenged.

Smokers have rights, as smoking is still legal, if the Govt. cared about all the dead people from first and second hand smoke tobacco would have been outlawed, not just removed from NASCAR, and movie heroes' lips. They have the right to smoke, I have the right not to socialize with them or go where they smoke.

If we weren't supposed to eat animals they would not be made of meat. The human race is a carnivorous race, we kill and eat things, its what we do. when we kill them it only makes sense that we use as much of them as possible(Leather and Furs etc.) I have no problem with farmed animals seeing as they would not exist if they had not been bred for the farm. I do believe in Conservation in the wild, and am anti-poaching.

Hair spray hasn't killed Ozone in decades, and funny(since the Farce of Global Warming, we don't hear much about the ozone hole which was supposed to have tripled or so they said when i was in school)

Public Transportaion is a an option, it it makes sense for some people, but it is not the end all be all, and should not be required, its basic math if gas and parking are cheap enough in your area, own a car, but if the costs of ownership are prohibitive PubTran is a good alternative.

as to your "Kill the wabbit!" cry, take a deep breathe and try peppering your garden, or fencing it off, unless rabbit stew is also on the menu.

Too many people confuse "Freedom of" with "Freedom from"

Just remember, The earth is bigger than us, it will win because it can always start over after we're gone.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

I am just as concerned about the treatment of non-humans as many other animal rightists. I'm just as concerned about the environment as many other environmentalists. And I'm just as concerned with how humans are treated as many other human rightists. Someone said something about not being able to relax because of the condition of the world. I feel the same. But, rather than debating any of these issues, this is what I'm going to say:

Our focus is on all the wrong things. Why are people harassing meat eaters when we should be focusing on the factory farms? Why are people harassing those who wear fur when we should be focusing on the furriers? Why are people complaining about smokers when we should be focusing on the automobile industry, big oil, pollutant spewing factories, etc...? Why are people still arguing over which race(s) faces the most discrimination when we should be concerning ourselves with putting an end to it? Why are people still arguing about whether or not people are born gay when we should be focusing on the fight for equal treatment regardless of sexuality? The list goes on...

By misdirecting our focus, we are achieving nothing.

Politically correct, everything is politically correct, what is the problem?

you must do what you feel in your heart is the right thing to do. you have the free will to do whatever you want to as long as it does NOT conflict with another persons free will or violate the laws, rules and mores of the culture and society in which you live.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

start a tv station for cats....moving pictures of birds and noises.

throw a party and have weird al and band as the music.

pay john travo;ta to never put on a wig and makeup again.

(he really scares me in hair spray)

have fun with this.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Take a ride in a russian space craft.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Buy a white tiger for my Son.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

i would buy all the fish aquriums or have a whole room where the walls are nothing but fish aquriums.

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

i would throw a huge pool party. the pool would be full of jello and i would serve jello shooters. i'm thinking strawberry or watermelon.......

What is the wackiest thing you would do , if you won the lottery..?

Well first, I'd buy the normal stuff. Big house in West Hollywood, cars, all the essential things needed in life.

Then there's the weird stuff I'd do with it. I'd buy a big supply of cheese. Then I'd use some of the money to rent out Les Deux, the club, and let nobody in so I can have the whole club to myself to eat chocolate pudding in.

Or I'd buy out Disney and fire the people from Hannah Montana, the people from HSM, Jonas Brothers, and anyone else I can think of. Then I'd replace the shows with documentaries on the life of hobos.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

Do you have any ideas for either costume? Like what I could wear, what kind of makeup and/or accessories? I'm not going to buy a whole costume, I'm just going to come up with something from the clothes I have and then buy some makeup and stuff. All I have right now is purple hair spray. Any way I can coordinate that in? Thanks.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

go as a head on a platter

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

A evil fairy would need wings while a vamp would need the teeth and potentially some fake blood.

I'd tend to put the fairy in a short, ragged skirt and the vamp in a long black dress with plunging neckline and slit up the side. Guess you could go with the "horror" style of vamp which would be a more Gothic (original Gothic, not goth) attire.

Good luck and have fun.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

I would be the evil fairy. Just take a skirt you don't care about anymore and spill something red (to make it look like blood) on it. Anthing red works. You can even use a sharpie! Then pick a white top and spill that looks like blood on it, too. Painting your face white adds a creepy look. Put your hair up to complete the look. For more ideas, go to

to look at their fairies.They have some good ideas.

For accessories, wear a heavy cross or something like that. For shoes, I'd go with boots myself.

Good luck!!

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

evil fairy: black or dark purple tube top %26amp; ragged short skirt or black or dark purple ragged dress. lots of black eyeliner, dark purple eyeshadow, black or dark purple lipstick. dark purple wings. assuming ur hair is brown or black, keep ur hair down, a little messy w/ the purple spray @ the edges. if ur trick or treating, ur bag shold be a couldren or something mysterious looking. if ur answeing the door, keep some "fairy dust" and curse everyone who trick-or-treats b4 giving them candy.

vampiress: a long black dress w/ a slit up the side. where red where possible. fake blood dripping from the corner of ur mouth. fangs. powder ur face so its super white. black eye shadow, red or black lipstick

if i had 2 choose, id go w/ the evil fairy

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

vampiress or a vampyre ( and no they vampyre is not a typo its how Van Hellsing spelt it)

What do I use?

I want a wet curly look. My mother went out and bought me a few products for me to try. She got me "Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight" shampoo %26amp; the conditioner, "Herbal Essences Set up extra hold hair spray", "Herbal Essences Curl Scrunching Gel", and "Garnier Fructis Leave-in Treatment , Curls%26amp;Shine". Oh and she bought me a new blow dryer xD.

What are some steps I can do to get using some of these products?

I am looking for the wet curl look that will last through a dance or a day of school. But I am not looking for waves. Thank you!

What do I use?

actually.. i think u can just wash your hair..and let it stay wet but not dripping and put hair gell in it or hair spray .

What do I use?

First of all do you have curly hair? If yes, then wash your hair, condition whatever then get some gel or mousse on your hand scrunch your hair with the mousse/gel in your hand. It should look good - that's what i do and it looks alright.

Science question.?

Why do hair spray or paint which contain gas under pressure contain a warning to keep them away from heat or fire?

Science question.?

According to ideal gas law, (P * V) / T is a constant. Where P is pressure, V is volume and T is temperature.

If the temperature rises, then if the volume is kept constant, then the pressure will rise too.

The "can" holding the gas wont be able to hold for a very big pressure, so it could explode.

Oh, and they also contain highly flammable gas.

Hope it helps



Science question.?

The chemicals that compose those formulas are highly flammable...

Science question.?

if brought to close and kept near a flame, the pressurized air in hair spray and spray paint will heat up and expand and possibly cause the can to explode. also, hair spray and spray paint, most times, contain very flammable substances.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

Do you have any ideas for either costume? Like what I could wear, what kind of makeup and/or accessories? I'm not going to buy a whole costume, I'm just going to come up with something from the clothes I have and then buy some makeup and stuff. All I have right now is purple hair spray. Any way I can coordinate that in? Thanks.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

go as a head on a platter

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

A evil fairy would need wings while a vamp would need the teeth and potentially some fake blood.

I'd tend to put the fairy in a short, ragged skirt and the vamp in a long black dress with plunging neckline and slit up the side. Guess you could go with the "horror" style of vamp which would be a more Gothic (original Gothic, not goth) attire.

Good luck and have fun.

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

I would be the evil fairy. Just take a skirt you don't care about anymore and spill something red (to make it look like blood) on it. Anthing red works. You can even use a sharpie! Then pick a white top and spill that looks like blood on it, too. Painting your face white adds a creepy look. Put your hair up to complete the look. For more ideas, go to

to look at their fairies.They have some good ideas.

For accessories, wear a heavy cross or something like that. For shoes, I'd go with boots myself.

Good luck!!

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

evil fairy: black or dark purple tube top %26amp; ragged short skirt or black or dark purple ragged dress. lots of black eyeliner, dark purple eyeshadow, black or dark purple lipstick. dark purple wings. assuming ur hair is brown or black, keep ur hair down, a little messy w/ the purple spray @ the edges. if ur trick or treating, ur bag shold be a couldren or something mysterious looking. if ur answeing the door, keep some "fairy dust" and curse everyone who trick-or-treats b4 giving them candy.

vampiress: a long black dress w/ a slit up the side. where red where possible. fake blood dripping from the corner of ur mouth. fangs. powder ur face so its super white. black eye shadow, red or black lipstick

if i had 2 choose, id go w/ the evil fairy

Halloween Costume:Evil Fairy or Vampiress?

vampiress or a vampyre ( and no they vampyre is not a typo its how Van Hellsing spelt it)

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Notice how hair spray and hair gel are catagorized.

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Deluxe, Premium, Super, Supreme, Ultra, Mega

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Premium, Super ,Mega , Supreme,Deluxe, Ultra

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?







Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?







Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Premium, Deluxe, Super, Ultra, Mega, Supreme!

How do i keep in my curls?

i live i hot, humid houston. every time i curl my hair witha curling iron they only last about an hour before going limp. i've tryed hair spray it works a little. any suggestions?

How do i keep in my curls?

firs you want to get treseme hair spray its amazing, you want to spray the piece of hair before you use the iron, while you use it, and after, you also dont want to moove your hair or put it back while you curl it, i would also if you have straight hair use a curl enhancing mouse before curling and blowdrying that way you'll have some what of a naturall wave letting your curls last longer

How do i keep in my curls?

its ur hairr obviously. do you have straight hair. u need to make the curls a lot tighter. and i guess more hairspray. but if your hair is straight. most likely it wont work.

How do i keep in my curls?

Get a soft body wave. As a professional I recommend not fighting the hair. But we are in business because people want what they don't have. We can sell it to you. If a body wave doesn't work it is not meant to be curly. Try rolling your hair in sponge curlers with setting gel or moose at night and sleeping in curlers

What is the significane of the SDA stamps on aerosol cans?

Many aerosol deodorant and hair spray products have a SDA stamp on the bottom (eg., SDA-IL-1793 or SDA-RI-137). What is "SDA" and what do these stamps mean?

What is the significane of the SDA stamps on aerosol cans?

The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA).

They keep an eye on the safety and efficiency of such products.

Favorite things from drugstores?




Shaving Cream-

Hair Spray-

Hair Products-



Lip Balm-

Lip Gloss-

Or anything else!

Things you couldnt live without and have great results from!! (it would be great if you could tell me why you love them!)

Best Answer will be rewarded- please help me! Im going shopping for back to school things!

Favorite things from drugstores?

shampoo-- pantene pro-v... they have a million different kinds of it so you can always find something for your hair type!!

conditioner-- same thing!!

razors-- venus!! its pretty much amazing!!

shaving cream-- gillete(sp?)

hair spray-- hmm id say dove... its pretty cheap and it works really good!!

hair products-- umm garnier fructis has alot of good products that help with alot of different hair types...

eyeshadow-- maybelline has good basic colors, and more shocking colors if you feel like mixing it up

makeup-- maybelline has really good staying power so you dont have to continuosly redo it during school and is good priced!!

lipbalm-- im going to have to go with the basics and say bonnebell lipsmackers... ive tried sooo many different kinds but this is the best by far and its insanely cheap!!

lip gloss-- if you're going for a more natural look i'd say bonnebell... for something more noticeable id suggest maybelline...

hope i helped!!


Favorite things from drugstores?

nail polish

body wash

tooth brush

tooth paste


whatever you can find

Favorite things from drugstores?

herbal Essenes things rock any thing you need for your hair they have

Favorite things from drugstores?

I love poking through all the nailpolish and spa treatments %26amp; lotions. :)

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Notice how hair spray and hair gel are catagorized.

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Deluxe, Premium, Super, Supreme, Ultra, Mega

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Premium, Super ,Mega , Supreme,Deluxe, Ultra

Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?







Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?







Arrange these words in the order of their emphasizm. Super, Ultra, Mega, Deluxe, Premium, Supreme?

Premium, Deluxe, Super, Ultra, Mega, Supreme!

How do i keep in my curls?

i live i hot, humid houston. every time i curl my hair witha curling iron they only last about an hour before going limp. i've tryed hair spray it works a little. any suggestions?

How do i keep in my curls?

firs you want to get treseme hair spray its amazing, you want to spray the piece of hair before you use the iron, while you use it, and after, you also dont want to moove your hair or put it back while you curl it, i would also if you have straight hair use a curl enhancing mouse before curling and blowdrying that way you'll have some what of a naturall wave letting your curls last longer

How do i keep in my curls?

its ur hairr obviously. do you have straight hair. u need to make the curls a lot tighter. and i guess more hairspray. but if your hair is straight. most likely it wont work.

How do i keep in my curls?

Get a soft body wave. As a professional I recommend not fighting the hair. But we are in business because people want what they don't have. We can sell it to you. If a body wave doesn't work it is not meant to be curly. Try rolling your hair in sponge curlers with setting gel or moose at night and sleeping in curlers

Aussie Products (10 points)?

I just bought the Aussie "Sprunch" Strong hold hair spray and the Aussie "Aussome Volume" Maximum hold mousse. Now I just need to know the step by step process of scrunching your hair. In details please. I know im asking for a lot, but best answer gets 10 points.

Aussie Products (10 points)?

good site:

Aussie Products (10 points)?


put like... a spoonful of mousse in ur hand then spread it all over your hair, and especially in ur roots, make sure it is even, and blow dry it. then, when its dry ( or if u just washed it ) spray the sprunch all over ur hair and squish ur hair with ur hand . do that all over.

Aussie Products (10 points)?

first of all aussie is horrible for your hair but here it is step by step.

1. wash your hair

2. condition your hair

3. on wet hair use the mousse and scrunch it up some.

4. Use the blow drier on low to medium heat and scrunch


THE WAY! leave it barely damp

6. use the spray and spray it in your hair

7. scrunch it one last time

8. Spray a little more for hold and leave it alone

9. You are finished.

Aussie Products (10 points)?

well when ur hair is wet flip ur head over then put mouse in ur hand about a palm full and then rub ur hands to gether then grab parts of ur hair and push up on it then when u are done flip ur head back over then spray it all over.

Horrible Roommate!?

I have two roommates; one is very quiet and minds her own business, while the other is loud and obnoxious.

Recently, the loud one has begun to use my stuff without my permisssion (my hair dryer, my hair spray, my make-up) and is eating my food without permission. Now if she asked I wouldn't care, but this whole sneaking behind my back has me pissed.

Besides confronting her directly and moving out, what other things can I do to keep her out of my stuff but still live comfortably?

Horrible Roommate!?

I think confronting is the best thing to do, but another option is putting your name of everything. For example, when you put your food in the refrigerator, put a label on it with your name. That claims territory.

About the make up and hair dryer, etc. Once you are done using it, put it away so that your room mate gets the picture and eventually will stop. You can also put it in a suitcase or something where your room mate would dare not to go. (We all have our personal spaces)

Horrible Roommate!?

Get a lock for your room and keep your things in your room. As for the food, just tell her that your not selfish, you just find it very rude of her to take it w/out asking. Teach her propper manners. Maybe her Momma didn't teach her.

Horrible Roommate!?

Using someone else's make up is skank.

Not that I'm saying you do; but cosmetics and brushes/sponges can transmit diseases (i.e. herpes, pink eye, imper-tigo etc)

Horrible Roommate!?

try locking your bedroom door,as for the food have a sit down (meeting) tell the other roommates, perhaps we need to set boundaries. If others want to eat my food then yo9u must give me money. if this is not feasible, try a in room fridge. tell roommates its so you can stay in bed and eat..

Horrible Roommate!?

Maybe put locks on things with your stuff in it?

A small personal refrigerator w/ a locking top?

Tell her you don't appreciate it.

The room mate thing never really lasts.

And this too shall pass.

Horrible Roommate!?

Well you can keep your stuff locked away for one thing. As far as the food thing goes you are going to have to say something to her, unless you want to continuously come home to missing and half eaten food. You might try getting new things for yourself and giving her your old stuff (like hair dryer) but keep your consumables (like makeup and hairspray) locked up. It's sad you have to live this way but she'll keep on doing it until you make her stop. If you want her to ask just tell her that you don't mind sharing but she should ask you first. You could also try getting stuff she does not like and won't use.

Throw the makeup out and get yourself some new stuff.

Horrible Roommate!?

You've got to learn to stand up for your self. When you don't like something, speak up. When people live together there are going to be issues. Moving out at this stage of the game is a little much.

1) First of all calm down.

2) Try and work this issue out with your room mate amicably. Be kind yet firm. Let her know what is and is not acceptable. Believe it or not - she may not even know she's pissing you off! People are raised differently and think differently. Unless you speak up, they don't know. Also - don't be surprized if you find out that you are doing something that makes her angry!

3) If it comes to it, start locking your stuff up.

4) Only move out or kick her out if she does not respect your wishes after repeated discussions.

If you don't stand up for your rights, who will? If all you do is just run away - someone else will come along and start messing with you too. Then you'll be right back at square 1. Use this as a learning experience. Whats the worst that can happen? An argument? And if it happens - so what? It will help you to be stronger. The sun will still come up tomorrow either way.

Horrible Roommate!?

you can bring these issues up with your roommate without being confrontational. Say something like "hey Suzie, I don't mind sharing my food or my hair dryer, but I prefer that people ask first." Or, perhaps, lead by example, "Is it ok if I borrow your ___?" Don't act angry or mean, just make your preference clear.

Horrible Roommate!?

the only way to fix the problem is to confront her.

Can You get Dandruff from Braids?

My Brother used to get braids,(I used to do them)and he had this bad flaking when I would take them down and wash his hair.I did use the Broner Bros.Hair Spray Pump It Up,but what is that caused from??

Can You get Dandruff from Braids?

If he doesn't usually have flakes this is from build up on his scalp while the braids are in. To prevent this wash the hair and scalp very well before putting the briads in and don't use an excessive amount on product. After the braids have been in for a day or so we can wash them, carefully. put a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your hand and add water. rub your hands together to make suds. Use your fingers to apply the shampoo suds to the part between the braids and work into the scalp (hair should be wet also). then you can pat the suds into the braids. Rinse very well with luke warm water. Afterwards use a spray gel or hairspray, spritz the braids and smoth with hands. This will keep them looking good for a while. Good luck!

Can You get Dandruff from Braids?

I don't think so unless he is prone to dandruff anyway or maybe if he didn't wash his hair for a long time.

Can You get Dandruff from Braids?

He's probally not greesing his scalp, plus it's summer time and the heat, and sweat. It happens to me too

How do you prevent split ends?

I keep my hair natural; no hair spray, mouse, gel...I don't even blow dry. I use conditioner, and sometimes detainger but I still have split ends...are they just a part of life?

How do you prevent split ends?

As a hairstylist, let me say, you are doing wonderful things for your hair by not over-styling! However, sometimes there are environmental factors that are beyond our control. In addition, the shampoo and conditioner you are using might not be the best for your hair. Grocery store brands are not equivocal to what you can buy in the salon. Believe me! I've tested them--wasing one side with something, the other with another...results shocking even me!

Anyway, make sure you are not cleansing your hair with cheap products. Matrix Biolage is an excellent line, and is reasonably priced. Make sure you get regular trims, and don't brush your hair right out of the shower. Try and use a wide-toothed comb, and detangle gently. It might not hurt to try a leave in, or even a little oil for your ends. I reccomend Biosilk Silk Therapy.

How do you prevent split ends?

Hmmm.......Try trimming your hair at least every 2 months or so, that should help!

How do you prevent split ends?

i was told to use moisturizer shampoo

How do you prevent split ends?

maybe try some leave in conditioner

or try some repair treatments, like neutrogena - that really worked for me

How do you prevent split ends?

Try using some things in your hair. Go to the hair salon and keep your hai rup. Ask for tips, after they experienced doing you hair.

How do you prevent split ends?

i'm a hair stylist, and i always tell people to get their hair trimmed every 6 weeks.there are alot of people that do it every 4 weeks. and yea your going to get split ends here and there, dont worry about it.

How do you prevent split ends?

Keep it clean, try not to blow dry it on high heat, and trim it on a regular basis

How do you prevent split ends?

Try Garnier Fructis. They make a variety of shampoos and conditioners that work GREAT! It's the only stuff I use. Not only does it help with split ends, but it gives hair more body. Good luck!

How do you prevent split ends?

cut ur ahir often and if you straighten u hair that always gives you split ends and if you dont do that then they always come no matter what you do if you buy a special cream it will prevent it its from john freida colection

How do you prevent split ends?

A good shampoo %26amp; a hair trimming every 5 weeks.

Alcohol Free Products?

Where can I find alcohol free products such as Hair dye ,Hair spray ,Lotion. Please let me know thanks alot

Alcohol Free Products?

I'd go speak to your pharmacist. They're the best at recommending such things.

Alcohol Free Products?

Aveda has some great products that are alochol free and smell good too! One draw back is that they are kinda pricey. Check 'em out @

Alcohol Free Products?

Anywhere really.. just look at the ingredients... hair color does not have alcohol in it... lotions shouldnt either.. hairsprays and gels usually advertise on the front of the bottle if they are alcohol free or not... go to your local salon if you have further doubts

(products that have alcohol dry faster.. therefore your choice is dependant on how you style your hair)

Horrible Roommate!?

I have two roommates; one is very quiet and minds her own business, while the other is loud and obnoxious.

Recently, the loud one has begun to use my stuff without my permisssion (my hair dryer, my hair spray, my make-up) and is eating my food without permission. Now if she asked I wouldn't care, but this whole sneaking behind my back has me pissed.

Besides confronting her directly and moving out, what other things can I do to keep her out of my stuff but still live comfortably?

Horrible Roommate!?

I think confronting is the best thing to do, but another option is putting your name of everything. For example, when you put your food in the refrigerator, put a label on it with your name. That claims territory.

About the make up and hair dryer, etc. Once you are done using it, put it away so that your room mate gets the picture and eventually will stop. You can also put it in a suitcase or something where your room mate would dare not to go. (We all have our personal spaces)

Horrible Roommate!?

Get a lock for your room and keep your things in your room. As for the food, just tell her that your not selfish, you just find it very rude of her to take it w/out asking. Teach her propper manners. Maybe her Momma didn't teach her.

Horrible Roommate!?

Using someone else's make up is skank.

Not that I'm saying you do; but cosmetics and brushes/sponges can transmit diseases (i.e. herpes, pink eye, imper-tigo etc)

Horrible Roommate!?

try locking your bedroom door,as for the food have a sit down (meeting) tell the other roommates, perhaps we need to set boundaries. If others want to eat my food then yo9u must give me money. if this is not feasible, try a in room fridge. tell roommates its so you can stay in bed and eat..

Horrible Roommate!?

Maybe put locks on things with your stuff in it?

A small personal refrigerator w/ a locking top?

Tell her you don't appreciate it.

The room mate thing never really lasts.

And this too shall pass.

Horrible Roommate!?

Well you can keep your stuff locked away for one thing. As far as the food thing goes you are going to have to say something to her, unless you want to continuously come home to missing and half eaten food. You might try getting new things for yourself and giving her your old stuff (like hair dryer) but keep your consumables (like makeup and hairspray) locked up. It's sad you have to live this way but she'll keep on doing it until you make her stop. If you want her to ask just tell her that you don't mind sharing but she should ask you first. You could also try getting stuff she does not like and won't use.

Throw the makeup out and get yourself some new stuff.

Horrible Roommate!?

You've got to learn to stand up for your self. When you don't like something, speak up. When people live together there are going to be issues. Moving out at this stage of the game is a little much.

1) First of all calm down.

2) Try and work this issue out with your room mate amicably. Be kind yet firm. Let her know what is and is not acceptable. Believe it or not - she may not even know she's pissing you off! People are raised differently and think differently. Unless you speak up, they don't know. Also - don't be surprized if you find out that you are doing something that makes her angry!

3) If it comes to it, start locking your stuff up.

4) Only move out or kick her out if she does not respect your wishes after repeated discussions.

If you don't stand up for your rights, who will? If all you do is just run away - someone else will come along and start messing with you too. Then you'll be right back at square 1. Use this as a learning experience. Whats the worst that can happen? An argument? And if it happens - so what? It will help you to be stronger. The sun will still come up tomorrow either way.

Horrible Roommate!?

you can bring these issues up with your roommate without being confrontational. Say something like "hey Suzie, I don't mind sharing my food or my hair dryer, but I prefer that people ask first." Or, perhaps, lead by example, "Is it ok if I borrow your ___?" Don't act angry or mean, just make your preference clear.

Horrible Roommate!?

the only way to fix the problem is to confront her.

A really original 80's costume.....?

I really need something totally original for my daughter. She is 16 and has to come up with something from the 80's. One girlis going as a can of "Hair Net" Hair spray. One girl is going as Boy George..any good ideas?

A really original 80's costume.....?

Oh Boy the 80's!!! Well, let see...I think an easy costume would be a white t-shirt with the word RELAX on it and some black leggings (funny, they are back in style) with some flats...(those are also back in style) and a bunch of bracelets..rubber ones like from the $1 store. Any thing that's neon...make sure she uses Valley Girl talk...(watch the movie!!)

Try and go to the fashion link!

Good-Luck and have like so much fun OK?

A really original 80's costume.....?

Twisted Sister...if you do not know who they are.

1. Shame on you


(Sorry about the first 1:45...they have a habit of doing stuff like that at the beginning of their videos.) I might go on halloween as him.

A really original 80's costume.....?

Get a few of her friends and dress them up like girls from the Robert Palmer videos.

You can see the video here...

A really original 80's costume.....?

In case you've forgotten the hair - watch "Working Girl" or "Dallas" and go big-haired and big-shouldered .

School help?

okayy im a lil shy so i wanna knoww....

i have this assighnment and i had to bring 5 items that represent me and my interests do u think these are good?

1. my favorite braclet - cuhz i love jewlery.

2. series of unfortunate events book - cuhz its one of my fav. series of books.

3. pink marker - cuhz i love the color pink

4. pen - cuhz i likee writing

5- hair spray/gel or brush [which one should i bring?] - cuhz i love styling hair

do u think thats good and not stupid

and im 6th grade btw

School help?

I think you did good! I'm sure the teacher will see that the objects have something to do with your interests and that should be enough. For number 5 I'd go with hairspray..only because I'm not sure everyone would like to see my brush with hair on Goodluck with the assignment!

School help?

those are all great ideas. They show you what you like. I did the same project in 6th grade too. either the brush or gel would be good.

what we had to do is put all our bags together and the teacher randomly picked one and showed the items to the class and they had to guess whose bag it was.

Hey Chics!?

Do girls like clean, shapy haristyles, or messy, shaggy hair? I used hair spray occasionaly and gel mostly.

Hey Chics!?

I like shaggy hair just for the fact I like rubbing my hand through their hair...and I don't want my hands to be sticky with hair spray afterwards. Hope this helps...I'm sure your hair looks great either way!!!~

Hey Chics!?

i liekt he clean and sharpy i hate the shaggy its so ugly and greasy u will look like a grease ball who doesnt shower

Hey Chics!?

depends on what kind of guy you are. if you are the preppy type then clean is the way. If you are the surfer or skater, then yeah messy. I personally like messy! It means, to me, that the guy doesn't take 3 hours in front of the mirror! lol :)

Hey Chics!?

i like messy shaggy hair usually, but some guys can't pull that look off. my fiance looks super hot all the time and he is clean cut right now.

Hey Chics!?

it depends on the guy and his look, honestly. usually i go for a more natural look, though-- if i can tell that he's used mousse, or he has highlights, then while he's probably still a cool guy and i might become friends with him, i'm not the hugest fan of guys that care more about their hair than i do mine.

Hey Chics!?

clean definately

Hey Chics!?

Ha it all depends on their dress style I guess... I personally, like it alil shaggy with gel.. It all depends on the girl too.

Hey Chics!?

i think it depends, but i mostly like shapy haistyles.

Help any idea's ?

My little boy is having what they call a Mad Hair Day.. in nursery today... its part of comic relief tho i was only told i need some idea's from you he is in at 1pm and have rang a few shops to see if they hav any colored hair spray or fancy dress wigs... but no luck..any idea's welcome!...thanks..x

Help any idea's ?

You know that spare mop head at the back of the cupboard?....Dig it out, use dye on it in the washing machine, dry it in the dryer, stitch a tie under it, and hey presto a home made wig... lol. Im sure He'll have fun!

Help any idea's ?

depends how long his hair is,.... gel it up in some mad way if u cant find anything else... little coner shops or fancy dress shops might have coloured spray. but u can get coloured GEL in nearly every shop i think

Help any idea's ?

shampoo will stick up like a real one and to punk it up a bit add some extra spikes on the sides.

Help any idea's ?

Go to the local drug store. Get some gel and sometimes they have some wash out color as well. Load him up with gel a little of the color if you find it and send him on his way.

Hope he has fun!

Help any idea's ?

this is quite simple to do, you know you have paper boys around well with a different you could make a suite made out of paper that he can wear, make an hat out of paper make the sleeves and trourses pined to is clothing make sure its fully wrapped ok

Help any idea's ?

You could try food coloring if you have any.

Try making it spikey with some hair gel.

Help any idea's ?

As already said shampoo Mohawk.x

Help any idea's ?

My son had the same issue last week and at short notice we gelled his his and added small soft toys and created a head farm.... he won first prize..............

Help any idea's ?

put some hair gel on his hair so you can divide it into thick spikes and put some different coloured food colouring on the ends so he will have multi coloured hair

Help any idea's ?

consult good doctor

Help any idea's ?

get a ball of yarn, or different colors if you like, glue them to a baseball cap!

Help any idea's ?

Love the idea about the mop head.

Help any idea's ?

Sainsburys are selling the comic relief red hairspray for 鎷?

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

cologne ? hair spray , hair dryer, night cream, mascarra/

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

I am a Makeup Artist and I tell you it took me a while to get everything that i needed together. So here is the list:

Makeup %26amp; Personal Items

Cuticle Cutters Yes Yes

Deodorants made of gel or aerosol Yes -3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Eye drops - You are allowed to carry a 3 oz. or smaller container of eye drops in a clear, one-quart plastic bag. There is no restriction on the amount you may carry, but containers greater than 3 oz. must be declared to the Security Officer and cannot be carried in your clear, one-quart bag. Yes Yes

Eyeglass Repair Tools - including screwdrivers. Yes Yes

Eyelash Curlers Yes Yes

Gel-filled bras and similar prosthetics - Gel-filled bras may be worn through security screening and aboard aircraft. Yes Yes

Hair styling gels and spray of all kinds including aerosol Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Hair Straightener or Detangler Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Lip gels such as Carmex or Blistex Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid lip glosses or other liquids for lips Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid foundations Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid, gel or spray perfumes and colognes Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid mascara Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Make up removers or facial cleansers Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Mouthwash Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Nail Clippers Yes

Nail Files Yes

Nail polish and removers Yes -3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Safety Razors - including disposable razors. Yes

Saline solution - You are allowed to carry up to 3 oz., of eye drops in a clear, one-quart plastic bag. Volumes greater than 3 oz. must be declared to the Security Officer and cannot be carried in your clear, one-quart bag. Yes Yes

Scissors - plastic or metal with blunt tips. Yes

Scissors - metal with pointed tips and blades shorter than four inches in length. Yes

Shampoos and conditioners Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Toothpaste Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Tweezers Yes Yes

Umbrellas- allowed in carry-on baggage once they have been inspected to ensure that prohibited items are not concealed.

NOTE: Some personal care items containing aerosol are regulated as hazardous materials. The FAA regulates hazardous materials.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

nothing liquid

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

Normally nothing liquid, but if you do take makeup, you have to pout it in a small sandwich baggie. And no cologne no hair spray, no hairdryer.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

Anything you want but it has to be less then 3.5 oz. if a liquid, gel, aerosol, or paste in a labeled container and MUST be in a zip lock qt size bag.

Work for the airlines and tell people this every day

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

get EVERYTHING u have. who know wut kinda cute boys u'll meet?

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

lipstick and perfume (a small one is best) in a zip lock bag. definately mascara. Also, even though they're not cosmetics, take some tic tac and some face wipes or something. It'll keep you looking fresh.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

You can take anything 3oz or less in your carry on but you can take everything else in your bag that you cheak!! And any liqued you do put in your carryon put them in a clear plastic bag I havd that problem coming home from hawii last week!!

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

this on the sephora website and it shows all there airplane friendly cosmetics hope this helped I know it helped me!

but the UK airlines aren't as strict and thero as the US so I am sure you will be fine with what ever you bring. I know that you can't bring any liquids in a bottle over 3oz.

A really original 80's costume.....?

I really need something totally original for my daughter. She is 16 and has to come up with something from the 80's. One girlis going as a can of "Hair Net" Hair spray. One girl is going as Boy George..any good ideas?

A really original 80's costume.....?

Oh Boy the 80's!!! Well, let see...I think an easy costume would be a white t-shirt with the word RELAX on it and some black leggings (funny, they are back in style) with some flats...(those are also back in style) and a bunch of bracelets..rubber ones like from the $1 store. Any thing that's neon...make sure she uses Valley Girl talk...(watch the movie!!)

Try and go to the fashion link!

Good-Luck and have like so much fun OK?

A really original 80's costume.....?

Twisted Sister...if you do not know who they are.

1. Shame on you


(Sorry about the first 1:45...they have a habit of doing stuff like that at the beginning of their videos.) I might go on halloween as him.

A really original 80's costume.....?

Get a few of her friends and dress them up like girls from the Robert Palmer videos.

You can see the video here...

A really original 80's costume.....?

In case you've forgotten the hair - watch "Working Girl" or "Dallas" and go big-haired and big-shouldered .

School help?

okayy im a lil shy so i wanna knoww....

i have this assighnment and i had to bring 5 items that represent me and my interests do u think these are good?

1. my favorite braclet - cuhz i love jewlery.

2. series of unfortunate events book - cuhz its one of my fav. series of books.

3. pink marker - cuhz i love the color pink

4. pen - cuhz i likee writing

5- hair spray/gel or brush [which one should i bring?] - cuhz i love styling hair

do u think thats good and not stupid

and im 6th grade btw

School help?

I think you did good! I'm sure the teacher will see that the objects have something to do with your interests and that should be enough. For number 5 I'd go with hairspray..only because I'm not sure everyone would like to see my brush with hair on Goodluck with the assignment!

School help?

those are all great ideas. They show you what you like. I did the same project in 6th grade too. either the brush or gel would be good.

what we had to do is put all our bags together and the teacher randomly picked one and showed the items to the class and they had to guess whose bag it was.

Help any idea's ?

My little boy is having what they call a Mad Hair Day.. in nursery today... its part of comic relief tho i was only told i need some idea's from you he is in at 1pm and have rang a few shops to see if they hav any colored hair spray or fancy dress wigs... but no luck..any idea's welcome!...thanks..x

Help any idea's ?

You know that spare mop head at the back of the cupboard?....Dig it out, use dye on it in the washing machine, dry it in the dryer, stitch a tie under it, and hey presto a home made wig... lol. Im sure He'll have fun!

Help any idea's ?

depends how long his hair is,.... gel it up in some mad way if u cant find anything else... little coner shops or fancy dress shops might have coloured spray. but u can get coloured GEL in nearly every shop i think

Help any idea's ?

shampoo will stick up like a real one and to punk it up a bit add some extra spikes on the sides.

Help any idea's ?

Go to the local drug store. Get some gel and sometimes they have some wash out color as well. Load him up with gel a little of the color if you find it and send him on his way.

Hope he has fun!

Help any idea's ?

this is quite simple to do, you know you have paper boys around well with a different you could make a suite made out of paper that he can wear, make an hat out of paper make the sleeves and trourses pined to is clothing make sure its fully wrapped ok

Help any idea's ?

You could try food coloring if you have any.

Try making it spikey with some hair gel.

Help any idea's ?

As already said shampoo Mohawk.x

Help any idea's ?

My son had the same issue last week and at short notice we gelled his his and added small soft toys and created a head farm.... he won first prize..............

Help any idea's ?

put some hair gel on his hair so you can divide it into thick spikes and put some different coloured food colouring on the ends so he will have multi coloured hair

Help any idea's ?

consult good doctor

Help any idea's ?

get a ball of yarn, or different colors if you like, glue them to a baseball cap!

Help any idea's ?

Love the idea about the mop head.

Help any idea's ?

Sainsburys are selling the comic relief red hairspray for 鎷?

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

cologne ? hair spray , hair dryer, night cream, mascarra/

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

I am a Makeup Artist and I tell you it took me a while to get everything that i needed together. So here is the list:

Makeup %26amp; Personal Items

Cuticle Cutters Yes Yes

Deodorants made of gel or aerosol Yes -3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Eye drops - You are allowed to carry a 3 oz. or smaller container of eye drops in a clear, one-quart plastic bag. There is no restriction on the amount you may carry, but containers greater than 3 oz. must be declared to the Security Officer and cannot be carried in your clear, one-quart bag. Yes Yes

Eyeglass Repair Tools - including screwdrivers. Yes Yes

Eyelash Curlers Yes Yes

Gel-filled bras and similar prosthetics - Gel-filled bras may be worn through security screening and aboard aircraft. Yes Yes

Hair styling gels and spray of all kinds including aerosol Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Hair Straightener or Detangler Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Lip gels such as Carmex or Blistex Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid lip glosses or other liquids for lips Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid foundations Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid, gel or spray perfumes and colognes Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Liquid mascara Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Make up removers or facial cleansers Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Mouthwash Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Nail Clippers Yes

Nail Files Yes

Nail polish and removers Yes -3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Safety Razors - including disposable razors. Yes

Saline solution - You are allowed to carry up to 3 oz., of eye drops in a clear, one-quart plastic bag. Volumes greater than 3 oz. must be declared to the Security Officer and cannot be carried in your clear, one-quart bag. Yes Yes

Scissors - plastic or metal with blunt tips. Yes

Scissors - metal with pointed tips and blades shorter than four inches in length. Yes

Shampoos and conditioners Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Toothpaste Yes - 3 oz. or smaller container Yes

Tweezers Yes Yes

Umbrellas- allowed in carry-on baggage once they have been inspected to ensure that prohibited items are not concealed.

NOTE: Some personal care items containing aerosol are regulated as hazardous materials. The FAA regulates hazardous materials.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

nothing liquid

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

Normally nothing liquid, but if you do take makeup, you have to pout it in a small sandwich baggie. And no cologne no hair spray, no hairdryer.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

Anything you want but it has to be less then 3.5 oz. if a liquid, gel, aerosol, or paste in a labeled container and MUST be in a zip lock qt size bag.

Work for the airlines and tell people this every day

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

get EVERYTHING u have. who know wut kinda cute boys u'll meet?

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

lipstick and perfume (a small one is best) in a zip lock bag. definately mascara. Also, even though they're not cosmetics, take some tic tac and some face wipes or something. It'll keep you looking fresh.

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

You can take anything 3oz or less in your carry on but you can take everything else in your bag that you cheak!! And any liqued you do put in your carryon put them in a clear plastic bag I havd that problem coming home from hawii last week!!

What cosmetics can i take in my carryon bag going to uk?

this on the sephora website and it shows all there airplane friendly cosmetics hope this helped I know it helped me!

but the UK airlines aren't as strict and thero as the US so I am sure you will be fine with what ever you bring. I know that you can't bring any liquids in a bottle over 3oz.


i have curly

medium length hair

poofy too


Hair Spray

Smoothing Creme

a cheap straightener

curling iron

thankss =]


pig tails are really cute if your hair is really curly

also braids

you can also do that poof thing where you take your bangs or your front hair and clip it back and make it puff up

then leave it down

What is a good hairspray that keeps curls in all day long?

My hair is straight, and if I curl it, the curls are gone by the end of the day. What would be a good hair spray to keep them in all day?

What is a good hairspray that keeps curls in all day long?

the best is by herbal essences i have semi straight hair and nothing makes the curls stay except for herbal essences set me up extra hold hairspray i used it for a dance and it stayed in all day and night! hope i helped oh and its not sticky or smelly like other hairsprays it smells really good!


What is a good hairspray that keeps curls in all day long?

Big and sexy

What is a good hairspray that keeps curls in all day long?

L'oreal Elnett is the best hairspray I've ever used.

What is a good hairspray that keeps curls in all day long?

Well, I have straight hair, but have a body wave. However, it is not helping my curls hold very well. So, I use Garnier Fructis Full Control. My hair looks soft and natural, but I don't dare try to take a comb or brush through it until end of day, because it yanks and pulls and takes out the curl.

When was the last time you left P&S?

I just did, and its scarry out their:( I need to come back in here where its warm and loving:) oh.. heres a good spot move over kelly and john

yes i will run my fingeres through both of your hair, ah... you guys need to use less hair spray!

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

But I have no hair!!! Been on all day waiting fer ya! Welcome back! Come on over here!

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

LMAO! just this morning but I got back as soon as I could,hey I waant me haor rubbed no spray at all...THATS not fair !!! me too!

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

What the heck is P%26amp;S? I'm cornfused!

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?


When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

The only time I really leave is to go have a smoke.....yes, I'm an addict.

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

Occasionally I hunt in religion

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

lol......Yesterday I think. But you're right it was very scary!

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?


When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

dont know

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

What does P%26amp;S mean?

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

peace %26amp; serenity? I leave it all the time. I only get it back when I am inside my girlfriend.

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

this is the only place I go. all the other looney's make me feel all comfortable

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

Last night to watch 24.

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

We don't use hairspray...what are you running your fingers through lol

When was the last time you left P%26amp;S?

school is hard ;( we are going to have to get an extension..i hope i pass..this sucks

Hairspray thats not hard?

is there a hair spray that i can use that keps my hair in the shape i want but its still soft and and i can comb it?

Hairspray thats not hard?

Super Clean Extra Flexible Style by Paul Mitchell. This is a hard hold, but it doesn't even feel like you are wearing hairspray! You can tease, brush it, and comb your fingers through it. I work at JcPenney Salon so can email you a coupon for 20% off anything in the salon. Btw, the other girl mentioned the Bead Head Masterpiece, and that is also a good one too, also sold at JcPenney Salon. Email me if you want the coupon.

Hairspray thats not hard?

Aveda- Air Control. It is the best invention, EVER!

Hairspray thats not hard?

try using garnier fructis or nova it works

Hairspray thats not hard?

YES ! I just bought a product from Bed Head called Masterpiece and its wonderful gives you hold but not stiff stiff has a shine factor in it as well so it gives your hair some shine and it smells so good. I highly recommend it.

Good Luck ~~

Hairspray thats not hard?

Nick Chavez of Beverly Hills. He owns his own salons but his hair care is wonderful. You prob need to order on web if your not in a metrop city

Hairspray thats not hard?

pantene i lOVE IT

I've just had a pob done..?

And i cant get it the way the hairdresser did it

ive done the barrel brush whilst drying and only straightened the ends

and used hair spray and mousee

but it doesnt want to work

and my hair looks really silly at the moment!


I've just had a pob done..?

am I daft for not knowing what a pob is?...its making me think that you spit at TV screens like another pob from the past (yes I am that old!)

I've just had a pob done..?

use a spray shiner, BUT not too much it will make your hair greasy. Comb through with fine tooth comb and blow dry straight again.,

I've just had a pob done..?

went i had my hair like that it was the same, it's probably because you hair has got natural curl to it so it will try and do what it wants or maybe your hair straighteners aren't warm enough x

I've just had a pob done..?

are you talking about a bob, and if so was it inverted or stacked or a A line Bob, as a salon owner I use a barrel brush

and dry it using medium heat and using downward strokes

and I would ailways use a mousse or a spritz spray

it should be no trouble at all, if it was cut right, even if you have a slight curl in your hair it should go back into the cut bob style, if not go back and see the stylist and explain your problem, sounds like the cut is out

How do I create a new part on my head?

My hair is super thin and straight to begin with. It doesn't help that I've dyed it a million times. But anyways.. you can basically see the crown and skin on the back top part of my head like a ******* old man or something. Ha. It's incredibly annoying and so hard to style. I've tried so many different things, like teasing it and trying to use hair spray to keep it in place and it just falls back into the same old ugly place. Any suggestions?

How do I create a new part on my head?

use coconut oil, avocados, hot oil treatments and consult a doctor about your hair thinning out.. drink ALOT of water and ur diet shud consist of proteins and FRUITS and vegs. Iron zinc keratin biotin niacin ARE SOO necessary for ur hair... watch how u brush ur hair .. brush it gently!! and never rub towel on ur hair... NEVER brush ur hair while its wet!! u'll damage it sooooooo much... wait untill its damp. dont perm it or straight it , flat iron, curl it, PLAY with it , Or wear a pony tail or accessories than are pressing on ur hair and naver sleep with those%26lt;%26lt; !! and always keep ur hair OUT of TOO MUCH sunlight, chlorine, salt, CHEMICALS... make sure ur shampoo doesnt have ( sodium laureth sulphate ) it makes ur hair fall out!! .. never shampoo averyday.. shampoo MAXIMUM 1-2 times a week.. hair grease is actually good for your hair.. it makes it supple nourish it and REhydrate it. just dont take 2 weeks unless u shampoo once.. please :p! and invest a VERY high quality shampoo that is made for thinning/ falling hair.. dont use a cheap one !! .. peace out !


Where to purchase Ken Paves Profess. haircare line. Walgreens doesn't carry. Only place hairbou

Ken Paves hair care doesn't have all that chemical junk in it. I have mousse, hair spray and conditioner. Cannot find shampoo. seems to be discontinued?

Where to purchase Ken Paves Profess. haircare line. Walgreens doesn't carry. Only place

I would try Wal-Mart or a large store


If I french braid my hair into two french braids in the morning while it's still wet after a shower. And wear it like that all day in school and a little after till 6. Then take it down and hair spray it. Will it look fine? I'm asking this because our dance is on a friday and If I sleep with the braids in they will all be coming out by the time of the dance


it will look very very pretty and curly =D and have fun at your dance!


just don't wear hats or hoodies... they will mess up your braid.... :P


if i were you i'd just do one french braid, that's what i always do %26amp; it turns it out really nice %26amp; wavy/curly. if you do 2 braids your hair will have this odd part in the back of your head %26amp; won't fall right.


I got my hair professionally braided in Mexico once, when i took it out my hair was a WREAK! it wasnt just wavy it looked like i crimped it, slept on it for weeks, and didnt brush it out. It was frizzy, and HUDGE, and gosh was it notted! It took forever for me to get all the nots out in the shower. So, I would say, no, take it out before the dance.


i have bits of fly away hair on my head.

its like little pieces and its really hard to put them down and not sticking up

ive tried water alot, hair spray, gel etc..

ive also got a small cowlick which is growing out

how can i put the fly aways down or make them grow out fast??

anything relating to flyaways will help

plz help

ty in advance


clear mascara


Rub a fabric softner sheet lightly over your hair


a lightweight moisturizer, as well as a frizz reducer should help...a cheaper version that works well is Dove's anti-flyaway, also a more expensive version is Sebastian's smoothing serum. carry a dryer sheet in your hand bag along with some spray Static Gaurd ( available a Wal-Mart in the laundry section ) spray it lightly on the dryer sheet (or a kleenex will do) and glide the sheet or kleenex across your hair....Hope this helps!


Go and buy Biosilk Silk Therapy. It's a bit pricey but it's worth every penny. Only use a quarter size and even it out from roots to ends. It's a bit oily but if you use it the right way, it'll leave your hair, silky, shiny, smooth and frizz-free. In the mean-time, there are a few things you can do at home to avoid fly-aways:

1. Deep condition your hair 1 - 2 times per week.

2. Use a good daily conditioner, rinse or detangler on the other days.

3. Follow the instructions on the product. DO NOT OVER CONDITION! Over conditioning your hair isn't good either. It will cause undesirable results, go limp or become too protein rich and dry out.

4. Once every week or two use a clarifier on your hair to rid it of hair from environmental pollutants.

5. If you have colored, permed, or relaxed hair, make sure that the product you use is safe for chemically treated hair or it will damage the chemical service that you had performed.



hair spray and gel? thats so stiff looking and gross!

try using a wax or grooming paste or cream to give your hair a natural look, and it'll probably keep those loose hairs down...besides, you should allow your hair to have some movement because you aren't a manekin


Use a pomade wax stick. Any brand will work.


you sound like you have the same problem i use to have!!!!!!! i fixed my fly aways with a flat iron/blow dryer, with Extreme Shine weightless shineand anti-frizz treatment. Adds incredibla shine repairs frizz and eliminates fly aways, dont ise too much as its oily and a little goes along way also repairs and prevents split ennds. you can get it at any drug store, walmart safeway pavillion just about anywhere that sells hair products.... good like worked for me!!!!! :)

Pony french braid?

How can i get my hair like these braids-

Or should i just see the salon? Its for "Jungle book: The musical". Im Messua ,whee!!



And while ive got you, how can i get orange streaks'n'tips hair spray color off my fingers? My mom got the can at sally's bueaty supply store.

Pony french braid?

That's the easiest braid in the world... If you or your mother can't do it - have a friend braid it.

Pony french braid?

uh you do a french braid all the way down and then tie it and tuck it under and clip in with a hair pin for the first one

Pony french braid?

For the first one you just do a French braid and pin it under. Also the second one is just a simple braid.

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

AND WHAT type of HAIR SPRAY wont damage my hair?

Is it better to use mousse?

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

You can try a volumizing conditioner but I haven't seen great results with them. Your best bet would probably be a root lifting spray. I don't know if you can find them in retail stores but a salon will carry them. One of the best brands we use is Redken Guts or Big Sexy Hair Root Pump. Yeah you will pay a little more for them but the product will last forever because you don't have to use much. I hope this helps. Hairspray won't damage your hair, just be sure to use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove any build-up. Good luck.

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

you need one that says for body

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

I feel funny answering this question being a guy and all, but I was raised by all women "cough" anyways we have place called "sallys" I am pretty sure it is a chain. They sell professional salon type products to the general public and thats a good place to start for your hair. They have an isle on just organic type hair products but the best line I thin is "mane and tail" it was origionally developed for show breed horses but trickled down to the hair salons. most products you and I know are just plain BS. but some do make your hair softer but they do this by stripping out the residue left by other products "nutragena" about 5 bucks for the little bottle does wonders for this.

Mousse even though it feels light leaves gunk in your hair, I would suggest amplify my matrix for your root lifter.

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

Big Sexy Hair/ Volume Line. Is Great. Available at Ulta3

What CONDITIONER is a root lifter and where can i buy it ???

not supposed to put conditioner on the roots, thats why you cannot get any lift, a good hairspray is thermasilk and yes it holds better than mousse

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

My brother (not me this time) peed in her hair spray bottle. She was going to the store yesterday and sparayed it in her hair before leaving. She didn't realize until she was halfway to the store that she stunk. Was that rude or a funny joke?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

omg thats so ****** grossss, But i think its funny, maybe not for our mom but someone else deffinetly

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

that's rude and disgusting!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Completely rude. Thats way too far over the line.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Horribly rude.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Completel rude and disrespectful. What is the matter with him?!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Disgusting and not funny.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

ewww that was totally uncalled for!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That was extremely rude, selfish and disgusting. NOT FUNNY!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

How low do you have to go to realise that this is not okay? It is no joke. And it is worse than rude. It is disgusting.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is a depraved rude revolting horrible thing to do to anyone.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

NASTY %26amp; RUDE! I would give out a butt whoopin!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

totally disrespectful-you're both a a pair of punks -him for doing it- you for letting him do it-lucky u aint my brothers i'd tak u both to the wood shed

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That's nasty and completely disrespectful! If one of my kids ever did that to me, there would be some serious punishment being doled out! I wonder how funny he would think it was if someone did something like that to him!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

I take it you and your brother have not seen the movie There's something about Mary?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

grow up ********!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is completely horrible! Some people are really sick!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

she needed to kick both of you behinds.You knew about it and it makes you just as guilty.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

What do you think?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

that is rude how can you joke with your mother like that. have some respect for the lady that gave you life.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

well that is hilarious to do to your sister or something but to your mom is just mean and very rude

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is very rude and unacceptable! How would you feel if someone did that to you?!

Help help help?

what kind of hair spray can hold hair in place when the wind is blowing.or when running

Help help help?

an 'extra hold' one like garnier or rave

Help help help?

dont use hairspray at all! use gel, preferably a spray gel, it works 10x better, and doesnt make you hair look nasty which it would if you used hairspray because you would have to use sooooo much...

Homework Help??

On my science paper it says list 6 examples why Nagar and Nat aren't ready for the lab. What would you list?? I already listed mine I just want to know what you all think.

~Before Class Nagar touched up her hair with an extra application of hair spray. Then she rushed to class without stopping to drop off her extra supplies at her locker-she didn't want to be late for today's exciting lab. Nagar showed her friends her new long earrings and sandals. Then she noticed Nat's new slicked-down hairstyle and commented on how much she liked it. Nat thanked her as he munched on an apple~

Homework Help??

1) Hairspray is flammable

2) Extra supplies will get in the way and cause possible fire hazards

3) Earrings can get caught on equipment

4) Sandals can cause her to trip

5) Hair should be tied up and out of the way

6) lab chemicals could contaminate the apple

Homework Help??

Don't forget to include donning safety equipment...did they remember goggles? Aprons?

Homework Help??

You had a question?

Homework Help??

Nagar--running around with flammable hair spray is not good. Plus she wore a lot to begin with. The earrings aren't a good idea as they are long and will get in the way of experiments. Sandals aren't good in caes she drops some sort of liquid on her shoes and they don't have traction in case something is on the floor or in case she trips.

Nat--slicked back hair. You could assume she uses flammable hair products as well. Eating in the lab is not good, as she can get chemicals on her food.

Homework Help??

%26gt; Before Class Nagar touched up her hair with an extra application of hair spray.

Her hair is loose. Your lab probably has a "hair net" requirement.

%26gt; without stopping to drop off her extra supplies at her locker

Shouldn't be brining extraneous materials to a lab class.

%26gt; sandals

There's a "shoe" requirement in lab classes. Chemistry especially. A droplet of acid is better landing on your shoe than on the unprotected skin of your foot.

%26gt; he munched on an apple

Never ever bring food to a lab class! Never!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

My brother (not me this time) peed in her hair spray bottle. She was going to the store yesterday and sparayed it in her hair before leaving. She didn't realize until she was halfway to the store that she stunk. Was that rude or a funny joke?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

omg thats so ****** grossss, But i think its funny, maybe not for our mom but someone else deffinetly

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

that's rude and disgusting!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Completely rude. Thats way too far over the line.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Horribly rude.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Completel rude and disrespectful. What is the matter with him?!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

Disgusting and not funny.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

ewww that was totally uncalled for!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That was extremely rude, selfish and disgusting. NOT FUNNY!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

How low do you have to go to realise that this is not okay? It is no joke. And it is worse than rude. It is disgusting.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is a depraved rude revolting horrible thing to do to anyone.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

NASTY %26amp; RUDE! I would give out a butt whoopin!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

totally disrespectful-you're both a a pair of punks -him for doing it- you for letting him do it-lucky u aint my brothers i'd tak u both to the wood shed

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That's nasty and completely disrespectful! If one of my kids ever did that to me, there would be some serious punishment being doled out! I wonder how funny he would think it was if someone did something like that to him!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

I take it you and your brother have not seen the movie There's something about Mary?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

grow up ********!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is completely horrible! Some people are really sick!

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

she needed to kick both of you behinds.You knew about it and it makes you just as guilty.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

What do you think?

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

that is rude how can you joke with your mother like that. have some respect for the lady that gave you life.

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

well that is hilarious to do to your sister or something but to your mom is just mean and very rude

Do you think this is a rude thing to do to your mother?

That is very rude and unacceptable! How would you feel if someone did that to you?!

Help help help?

what kind of hair spray can hold hair in place when the wind is blowing.or when running

Help help help?

an 'extra hold' one like garnier or rave

Help help help?

dont use hairspray at all! use gel, preferably a spray gel, it works 10x better, and doesnt make you hair look nasty which it would if you used hairspray because you would have to use sooooo much...

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

I asked a q about Beyonce and i expected to get a long i hate u jealous cow kind of thing and i didnt. Does no one like Beyonce. Woo, im going to do a star jump. This is what i asked.

Hello, my name is Beyonce. Do you think i would look pretty with natural make up and Natural hair, eyes and skin colour with no hair spray? How about my clothes. Would i look good in a pair of joggers or average jeans and t shirts? Lets see the responce from the Beyonce fans. Let me guess, it will go something like this,

You wish, you are just saying that beacause your an ugly dog (dnt mean to insult the dog) and no one will go out with you, your jealous. Why are you bothering, yes, y are you even bothering? bla . I'm going to go and dance like a spaz now and sing about how i hate men then how i cant live without them. Wait, i cant make my mind up. Do i h8 men or love them so much that i'm obbsessed about em? No im nt Beyonce, im 2 smart. P.S, im allergic 2 clothes although i do wear fur.

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

In The Mental Hosp.

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

I love beyonce, that girl got a nice butt

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

Beyonce is an amazing artist. Next time you post please try and be more literate. I can't understand half of your rambling.

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

All the Beyonce fans are over at Rihanna's house

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

I think she's got great talent. I can't really speak on her beyond that because I don't know her personally.

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

seek professional help please

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a Beyonce fan, but she's doing her thing and doing it well. She doesn't need to be defended by anyone her success speaks for itself. Like the song goes haters are gonna hate.

Where are all the Beyonce fans?


Where are all the Beyonce fans?

This young lady is an up and coming artist with a lot of varied talent and will be remembered for a long time and not just because of what she wears or doesn't wear or what she looks like! True beauty comes from within and hers at the moment is shining through! Peace!

Where are all the Beyonce fans?

im a fan but im not all crazy over her. shes really talented but overrated and i think thats y there arent as many fans as theer were. a artist can be in the spotlight too much and people can be bored of them easily. i think a break from her would be good. just so her comeback can be heavily anticipated.