Saturday, August 1, 2009

Women run the economy.....Here are the FACTS!!!!!!!?

Every one of them have to buy thousands of dollars each year of make-up, hair spray, clothing, shoes, toiletries, feminine hygiene, diet programs, etc. just to hide their numerous short comingsé–³?Thank God I am a GUY!!!! Now what do the crybaby women have to say blah, blah, blah!!!!!!

Women run the economy.....Here are the FACTS!!!!!!!?

First I say your a f*ckin immature jerk and need to grow up. Second your judging all women and not all women are like that...I dont wear make up, hair spray, or buy dumb diet programs. I would never spend more than maybe 50 bucks on a pair of shoes, 30 for jeans and as far as toiletries go you try having blood come from your d**k and see what toiletries you'll buy, a brush and what pony tails and maybe a few clips to keep my too thick hair outta my face. And what do guys do to "hide their numerous short comings"? Get on male enhancements, work out like they're crazy, abuse women to feel in control, act all hard as your doing and diss women. That's worse than anything right there. People like you need their as* beat.

Women run the economy.....Here are the FACTS!!!!!!!?

I couldn't find a question in there to answer.

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